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Hi to all our members.

With Christmas just about over we turn our attention to the new year.

Your club is open to celebrate this special occasion and all our members are cordially invited to join us for our New Year’s Eve party

The club will open from 8pm until just after midnight. There will be a nominal fee of £3 for all party goers to cover heating and lighting.

You don’t have to book, just turn up on the night.

Please feel free to bring your own food and snacks. I have been advised that members can use the kitchen to heat their food if they wish, on the strict proviso that any mess made is cleaned up..

You may also want to bring along a bottle of bubbly or Prosecco. This has been sanctioned by the bar committee as long as it is only used to see the new year in on the stroke of midnight..

We look forward to seeing you this coming Saturday night. Because as the famous Irving Berlin song goes:

There may be trouble ahead
But while there’s music and moonlight
And Love and romance
Let’s face the music and dance

After all, you never know your luck!!!!

Kind regards

Bob Page
General Secretary
Grange Bowls Club